The Ultimate Students 2019
Get Focused, Get Organized & Get Ahead
There are new students coming up all over the world! These students have not been fulfilled by the ways of education as it is. They are here to bring a new civilization and a new community and a new way of living.
Maybe you are one of these students!?
This course helps you to train your mind to focus, to gain clarity of your true vision and gives your access to the means to make the change you desire, both for yourself and the Earth we all share together!
Build your own journey through this course and help create a supportive community helping people just like you, to:
Get Focused
Get Organized
Get Ahead
gain faster results and become confident in your ability to create!
One Clear Path - 9 Steps of The Ultimate Students 2019
What are the requirements to complete the course?
Expect about 5 - 30 minutes of daily exercises
Learning days are longer, practice days shorter
Especially around morning and night time
To regain focus and stay organized, morning and evening are super-important
Journaling, Vlog or other form of self-reflecting methods
To see your changes happening, you have to journal or keep a record at first
There is a ton of practices you can access, but these guidelines are the minimum to expect. Having any questions or desire more information about the course and how it really can support you and your challenges in life, you are very welcome to grab a free Intro Session with a mind trainer at
Your Instructor:
Earth-life Is Amazing!
Scooba Diving with Friends!
Hi, I am Brian Jacobsen I facilitate open-mindedness, in fact, I am known as the open-minded one. I create a clear focus, set a clear intention and with this I invite anyone ready to step into this space of self discovery and self-creating, this course "The Ultimate Students 2019".
You see those new students on the rise are ones that look within to what truly inspires and commit to the visions that create fulfilling lives. These students want to know how to focus their attention, direct their energy, organize accordingly and follow that inner drive to thrive!!
These students have asked to attained enough Self-knowledge to faithfully take each step into creating a new world and leading the way for everyone else.
Yes! You can be one of these new students - ready to bring your excitement to life, not just during the study but also in your free time
Here, have a look at what is to be expected for you and us inside the course.
You will gain access to simple practices on how to:
Let go of self-defeating beliefs
Transform overthinking, anxiety, fears and procrastination
Into focus & execute clear intentions
Use your Intuition and see a new world of solutions
Develop skills such as Mind mapping for constructive and creative thinking
Fuel your desire by uncovering your why
Identify and develop new habits supporting your new way
Get into planning and communicating your desires to get support
Much more!
In this study, you will identify your limiting beliefs about yourself and let them go.
You will adopt empowering habits instead.
With a self-reflective group and study course, you quickly see what works and what doesn't work for you. This means faster self-adjustments and therefore a faster learning experience.
Within the course, You will decide what Avatar, The Ultimate Student will be for you! The transformation will take place by following through the 9 steps in the course. Though you can still benefit single-handedly from each step in and of itself.
Here are the 9 steps and their outcome for completing them:
Mental Health - From mind wandering to clear focus!
Intention - Set your own direction and create possibilities.
Hyper-focus - Being your intention, no more self-doubt.
Intuition - Seeing solutions and a new world arise.
Organize - Get clarity by practicing the why, how and what model by Simon Sinek
New Mindset - Practicing new habits and taking consistent action
Planning - Prioritize, structure and co-communicate your new vision
Synergy - Acceleration in creating results, exponential growth and breakthroughs.
Revelation - Seeing and experiencing yourself as a force of creation! :)
Simply by following the teachings and workbook exercises throughout the course, will take you from experiencing...
A: overthinking, overwhelmed, behind, unclear of purpose, sporadic fear, and nervousness, distracted and unfocused, tired.
B: Focused, Organized, Ahead, Clarity, Joyful, Achieving, Flowing, Balanced & Energetic!
Get ready for uncovering a new potential within you, and see a new world arise.
The Team here at A MIND FOR YOU and ,I, Brian Jacobsen, the founder and creator of the course, are SUPER EXCITED for this new study and everyone ready to enroll with us.
Without further a due.
Much Love and much Respect for taking on the real quest.
Your Instructor. Director and Founder of A Mind For You
Brian Møller Jacobsen
Your Instructor
I am the Director and Founder of A Mind For You
My name is Brian Møller Jacobsen, and I help people to kickstart their full potential and have their life experience 100% aligned with their joy and passion!
Personally I have No traditions, no predicted way. I am open to see, how life is, by creating from my joyful state. I bring this attitude where ever I go. I use exactly the methods in the courses I offer to those ready to make their lifes as playful!
My commitment is to be of service to anyone ready to step into their own creative light!
My background is simply a loving desire and a vision to see this planet, with all its beauty and us living joyfully and passionately along with it. I am self taught, through a process of giving up everything I ever worked for. To come into a complete ground situation with nothing but the experience and understanding:
I am here, I can bring and share whatever I hold dear. This is now my kingdom and gifts to share. I started on the streets and now I can teach and see even more people break free from illusive boundaries no longer supportive for their joy and peace.
My answer to make this vision come true is by teaching the fundamentals of "A Mind For You" - training model. Giving you the opportunity to adopt the teachings faster and hereby fulfilling my own passion of being of service.
I am excited to see you inside one of the courses and if you have any questions feel free to connect with me or any other mind trainers available.
write at: [email protected] and connect with a trainer to answer your questions, while seeing what course will be a perfect fit for you.
To your passion and joy,
Much Love and Respect,
Brian Møller Jacobsen
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Step #1 - Mental Health - Focus
Available in
after you enroll
StartThe Mental Health Model - Education and Explanations
StartAwareness - Education and Explanations
StartOne Unified Creative Force - Education and Explanations
StartGet Focused with The Mental Health Model - Practices and Homework
StartAwareness a place of rest and tranquility - Practices and Homework
#Step 2 - Intention - Feel
Available in
after you enroll
StartWhat is an intention? - Education and Explanations
StartHow to set clear intentions? - Practices and Homework
StartThe importance of feeling an intention - Education and Explanations
StartIdentifying intentions based on lack vs abundance
StartConnect and identify our desires - Practices and Homework
StartDefine and make clear intentions - Practices and Homework
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.