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The Ultimate Students 2019
The purpose of this course (4:31)
What is mind training?
How to complete the course?
Step #1 - Mental Health - Focus
The Mental Health Model - Education and Explanations
Awareness - Education and Explanations
One Unified Creative Force - Education and Explanations
Get Focused with The Mental Health Model - Practices and Homework
Awareness a place of rest and tranquility - Practices and Homework
#Step 2 - Intention - Feel
What is an intention? - Education and Explanations
How to set clear intentions? - Practices and Homework
The importance of feeling an intention - Education and Explanations
Identifying intentions based on lack vs abundance
Connect and identify our desires - Practices and Homework
Define and make clear intentions - Practices and Homework
Step #3 - HyperFocus - Being
See it, Feel it, Be it - Bentinho Massaro - Education and Explanations
Discernment and seeing only ones preferences - Education and Explanations
A one-pointed mind - fearlessness - Education and Explanations
Decide and commit - The 5,5,5-45 Method - Practices and Homework
The morning, midday and evening - Practices and Homework
Step #4 - Intuition - New World
Access intuition
The inner guide and gps
The Power of Imagination
Energy and power - David Hawkins
Step #5 - Understanding - Clarity
Organize Information
Mind Mapping
Overlook - The Mountain
The why, how and what by Simon Sinek
Step #6 - New Mindset - Action
What is borrowed genius by Win Wenger
The making of your own genius
Simple practices with borrowed genius
Desire, Knowledge, Skill & Habit by Stephen Covey
Define your desires
Identify skills
Develop and practice habits
Step #7 - The Plan - Co-creation
Vision, Mission and Goals
The Importance of Priorities
Time Management
Step #8 - Synergy - Confidence
Exponential Growth
Giving is having
High ways
Step #9 - Revelation - I am
Beyond Time
Effortless Flowing
Intuitive Engineering Methods
See it feel it be it
Meditation, Mindfulness - The Creators Seat
The Choice, Creation & Intention
Hyper-focus - The becoming
Your New Environment to Support
Youtube Channels
The Wimhof Breathing Method
What is an intention? - Education and Explanations
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