What is mind training?


Mind training is simply a set of practices empowering the mind to work for a specific purpose. This is essential in the process of experiencing a state of peace and clarity.

To train the mind, one must first practice relaxation and recognize the foundation for mind, thoughts, emotions and experiences.

These practices are explained in the section:

"Awareness - You already have it!"

Try right now to notice. What is going on?

Okay - now then take one full deep breath and give a deep "thank you" to it.

Now - did you notice any change from this very simple task?

Hereby you have just done a little bit of mind training. By giving your mind a task. A job so to speak. A function if you will. It simply fills out that function and this course gives your mind functions to bring peace and joy into your experience.

You will also gain a sharp focus and ability to pay close attention.

Now again, have a deep breath and relax.

Mind training:

  • small tasks for the mind to fill out
  • pay attention
  • visualize
  • act and train willpower
  • apply mind and body for the goals you want!

To your peace and joy


A Mind For You

To find more about mind training,

check out the link to our homepage:


Here are some descriptions of the terminology and benefits.

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